The charge distribution of periodic electron beam pulses generates patterns of sub-Cerenkov radiation distinctive of the distribution of charge with in a bunch. Mapping the radiation pattern from different charge shapes may provide insight into whether charge pulse shapes can be determined from observed radiation patterns. The radiation patterns of Gaussian, Level, and Trapezoidal function were mapped by computer simulation. Near 90 degree to the beam, the radiation patterns of all three charge distributions developed an envelope proportional to the fourier transform of the charge bunch distribution when the wavelength of the emitted radiation was comparable to the size of the bunch. For the Gaussian function, the envelope is Gaussian, for the level function it is a sinc function. Since the envelope for the trapezoidal function in the product of two sinc functions it is more difficult to analyze. This work may provide a basis for determining the charge shape of electron beam pulses from the sub-Cerenkov radiation based on the radiation intensity pattern.
Lieutenant Colonel, Republic of Korea Army
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