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DigitalGeorgetown - Georgetown University
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DigitalGeorgetown - Georgetown University: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 168
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Nihayat al-hayah al-insaníyah fi daw' ijtihadat al-'ulama' al-muslimin wa al-mu'tayat al-tibbiyah al-mu'asirah
Yasin, Muhammad Na'im
Anatomy of an Illness (As Perceived by the Patient)
Cousins, Norman
Doe v. Commissioner of Mental Health
Unknown author
Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Court, Suffolk
Morality, Consumerism and the Internal Market in Health Care
Sorell, Tom
Abortion and Health Care Chaplaincy in Australia
Carey, Lindsay B.; Newell, Christopher
Do Not Resuscitate Does Not Mean Do Not Treat: How Palliative Care and Other Modalities Can Help Facilitate Communication About Goals of Care in Advanced Illness
Smith, Cardinale B.; Bunch O'Neill, Lynn
An Analysis of the Structure of Justification of Ethical Decisions in Medical Intervention
Self, Donnie J.
"Give Me Children, or I Will Die": Procreation Is God's Work
Ashmon, Scott; Weise, Robert W.
Impact of gene patents and licensing practices on access to genetic testing for hearing loss.
Chandrasekharan, Subhashini; Fiffer, Melissa
Coronary Bypass Surgery in the Elderly: Ethical, Economical and Quality of Life Aspects
Walter, Paul J.
Bioethics -- Problems for Today
Leclair, Susan J.
Vitamins, neural tube defects, and ethics committees
Kirke, Peadar N.; Freed, David L.J.; Raab, Gillian M.; Gore, Sheila M.
Balancing Bioethics
Schonfeld, Toby L.
Including Children in Research: Participation or Exploitation?
Nelson, Robert M.
Of Fathers, Fetuses, and Fairy Tales
Levine, Carol
The "Value Added" of Not-for-Profit Health Plans
Nudelman, Phillip M.; Andrews, Linda M.
Regional Psychiatric Boards in Israel: Expectations and Realities
Bauer, Arie; Rosca, Paula; Grinshpoon, Alex; Khawalled, Razak; Mester, Roberto
Civil Commitment: A Range of Patient Attitudes
Edelsohn, Gail A. and Hiday, Virginia Aldige
In Defense of the Death Penalty
Pojman, Louis
Intimate Partner Violence and Physical Health Consequences
Campbell, Jacquelyn; Jones, Alison Snow; Dienemann, Jacqueline; Kub, Joan; Schollenberger, Janet; O'Campo, Patricia; Gielen, Andrea Carlson; Wynne, Clifford
Now showing items 1-20 of 168
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