Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Morality, Consumerism and the Internal Market in Health Care

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dc.creator Sorell, Tom 1997-04 2022-05-20T07:23:52Z 2022-05-20T07:23:52Z
dc.identifier 10.1136/jme.23.2.71
dc.identifier Journal of Medical Ethics. 1997 Apr; 23(2): 71-76.
dc.identifier 0306-6800
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/117583
dc.description Unlike the managerially oriented reforms that have brought auditing and accounting into such prominence in the UK National Health Service (NHS), and which seem alien to the culture of the caring professions, consumerist reforms may seem to complement moves towards the acceptance of wide definitions of health, and towards increasing patient autonomy. The empowerment favoured by those who support patient autonomy sounds like the sort of empowerment that is sometimes associated with the patient's charter. For this reason moral criticism of recent NHS reforms may stop short of calling consumerism into question. This, however, would be a mistake: consumerism can be objectionable both within and beyond the health care market.
dc.format Article
dc.language en
dc.source BRL:MEDKIE/97280116
dc.subject Administrators
dc.subject Autonomy
dc.subject Caring
dc.subject Common Good
dc.subject Culture
dc.subject Economics
dc.subject Entrepreneurship
dc.subject Goals
dc.subject Health
dc.subject Health Care
dc.subject Health Care Delivery
dc.subject Health Care Reform
dc.subject Hospitals
dc.subject Illness
dc.subject Moral Obligations
dc.subject Morality
dc.subject Obligations to Society
dc.subject Patients
dc.subject Patients' Rights
dc.subject Physicians
dc.subject Private Sector
dc.subject Public Participation
dc.subject Rights
dc.subject Self Induced Illness
dc.title Morality, Consumerism and the Internal Market in Health Care
dc.DataProvider Georgetown University Library

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