Acknowledgements Collaborators/REG Investigators: Spain: Marc Miravitlles, Cristina Esquinas, Miriam Barrecheguren, Alexa Nuñez, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona. Bernardino Alcazar, Hospital de Alta Resolución de Loja. Juan Luis García‐Rivero, Karina Hueso, Hospital Comarcal de Laredo, Cantabria. Miguel Roman‐Rodríguez, Primary Health‐Care Center Son Pisà, IB‐Salut, Palma de Mallorca. Poland: Pawel Sliwinsk, Katarzyna Iwan, Jacek Kolakowski, Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Warsaw. Korea: Chin Kook Rhee, Esther Ahn, St Mary's Hospital, Seoul. Singapore: Jessica Tan, Therese Laperre, Karen Tan Li Leng, Nicole Chia, Ong Thun How, Syifa Binte Shamsuddin, Sherine Lim Shu Gim, Yap Chwee Bee, Soh Rui Ya, Singapore General Hospital. Augustine Tee, Jun Jie Yan, Samuel Hong, William Tan, Changi General Hospital. UK: Victoria Carter, Latife Hardaker, Andrew McLaughlin, Optimum Patient Care, Cambridge. Malta: Caroline Gouder, Mater Dei Hospital. Ireland: Richard W Costello, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin. The study was funded by an unrestricted grant from Novartis AG. The study was designed and coordinated by the Respiratory Effectiveness Group (REG;; Cambridge, UK) and delivered by Optimum Patient Care (OPC;
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