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dc.creator US National Cancer Institute 2005-01-24T13:30:50Z 2005-01-24T13:30:50Z 2003-02-01 2005-01-24T13:30:50Z 2022-05-24T22:36:42Z 2022-05-24T22:36:42Z
dc.identifier NSC15975
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/134153
dc.format 7709 bytes
dc.format 7438 bytes
dc.format chemical/x-cml
dc.format chemical/x-cml
dc.language en_GB
dc.publisher Unilever Center for Molecular Informatics, Cambridge University
dc.title NSC15975
dc.title Brilliant Tangerine 13030
dc.title C.I. Pigment Orange 5 (8CI)
dc.title C.I. 12075
dc.title Calcotone Orange 2R
dc.title Carnelio Red 2G
dc.title Chromatex Orange R
dc.title D And C Orange No. 17
dc.title D+C Orange No. 17
dc.title D&C Orange 17
dc.title Dainichi Permanent Red GG
dc.title Dinitraniline orange
dc.title Dinitroaniline Orange
dc.title Dinitroaniline Orange ND-204
dc.title Dinitroaniline Red
dc.title Fastona Red 2G
dc.title Graphtol Red 2GL
dc.title Hansa Orange RN
dc.title Helio Fast Orange RN
dc.title Helio Fast Orange RT
dc.title Helio Fast Orange 3RN
dc.title Helio Fast Orange 3RT
dc.title Irgalite Fast Red 2GL
dc.title Irgalite Red PV8
dc.title Irgalite Red 2G
dc.title Irgalite Red 2GW
dc.title Isol Fast Red 2G
dc.title Lake Red 2GL
dc.title Light Orange R
dc.title Lutetia Fast Orange R
dc.title Monolite Fast Orange 2R
dc.title Monolite Fast Paper Orange 2R
dc.title Monolite Fast Red 2G
dc.title Nippon Orange X-881
dc.title Oralith Red 2GL
dc.title Orange No. 203
dc.title Orange Pigment X
dc.title Permanent Orange (VAN)
dc.title Permanent Orange DN Toner
dc.title Permanent Orange GG
dc.title Permanent Orange HD
dc.title Permanent Orange Toner RA-5650
dc.title Permanent Red GG
dc.title Permansa Orange
dc.title Permaton Orange XL 45-3015
dc.title Permatone Orange
dc.title Pigment Fast Orange
dc.title Pigment Orange 5
dc.title Segnale Light Orange RN
dc.title Segnale Light Orange RNG
dc.title Siegle Orange 2S
dc.title Signal Orange Y-17
dc.title Silopol Orange R
dc.title Silosol Orange RN
dc.title Siloton Orange RL
dc.title Syton Fast Red 2G
dc.title Tertropigment Orange LRN
dc.title Tertropigment Red P2G
dc.title Versal Orange RNL
dc.title 1-[(2,4-Dinitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthol
dc.title 11048 Orange
dc.title 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[(2,4-dinitrophenyl)azo]- (9CI)
dc.title 2-Naphthol, 1-[(2,4-dinitrophenyl)azo]-
dc.type Chemical Structures

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