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Developments relating to the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, implications for the BTWC

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dc.creator Feakes, D.
dc.creator Whitby, Simon M. 2008-12-09T14:21:21Z 2008-12-09T14:21:21Z 2000
dc.identifier BTWC Video Briefings, Distance Learning Module 1, No. 8. 2000. [Video]. Developments relating to the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, implications for the BTWC. Presented by Feakes, D. and filmed by Whitby, S. Bradford, Bradford Disarmament Research Centre, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford.
dc.description Yes
dc.description Daniel Feakes assesses the success of the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention and comments on the potential for such a regime for the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
dc.language en
dc.rights © 2000 Whitby, S.M. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike License (
dc.subject BTWC
dc.subject Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
dc.subject CWC
dc.subject Chemical Weapons Convention
dc.subject Implementation
dc.title Developments relating to the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, implications for the BTWC
dc.type Video

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