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Armed violence and poverty in Northeast India: a mini case study for the Armed Violence and Poverty Initiative

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dc.creator Turner, Mandy 2008-12-11T09:32:59Z 2008-12-11T09:32:59Z 2004
dc.identifier Turner, M. (2004). Armed violence and poverty in Northeast India: a mini case study for the Armed Violence and Poverty Initiative. Bradford, Centre of International Cooperation and Security, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford. AVPI CAse Studies.
dc.description Yes
dc.description This mini report on Northeast India is one of 13 case studies (all of the case studies are available at This research draws upon secondary data sources including existing research studies, reports and evaluations. As DFID does not have any direct development engagement in Northeast India, this report does give any direct programming or policy recommendations. However, it does highlight key issues which need to be addressed for armed violence to be reduced in the region. The authors would like to thank David Seddon for comments made on an earlier draft. The analysis and opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policy of DFID or the UK government.
dc.language en
dc.rights © 2004 University of Bradford. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike License (
dc.subject AVPI
dc.subject Armed Violence and Poverty Initiative
dc.subject Northeast India
dc.title Armed violence and poverty in Northeast India: a mini case study for the Armed Violence and Poverty Initiative
dc.type Report

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