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Reforming the cancer drug fund focus on drugs that might be shown to be cost effective

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dc.creator Buxton, M
dc.creator Longworth, L
dc.creator Raftery, J
dc.creator Sculpher, M
dc.creator Towse, A 2015-02-03T11:23:48Z 2014-11-28 2015-02-03T11:23:48Z 2014 2022-05-25T14:53:49Z 2022-05-25T14:53:49Z
dc.identifier BMJ 2014;349:g7276, ( 28 November 2014)
dc.identifier 1756-1833
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/172706
dc.description The Cancer Drug Fund was originally conceived as a temporary measure, until value based pricing for drugs was introduced, to give NHS cancer patients access to drugs not approved by NICE. Spending on these drugs rose from less than the £50m (€63m; $79m) budgeted for the first year in 2010-11 to well over £200m in 2013-14, and the budget for the scheme—now extended for a further two years—will reach £280m by 2016.1 The recent changes to the fund recognise the impossibility, within any sensible budget limit, of providing all the new cancer drugs that offer possible benefit to patients. More radical changes are needed to the working of the fund, given the failure to introduce value based pricing, so that it deals with the underlying problem of inadequate information on the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of new cancer drugs when used in the NHS.
dc.language eng
dc.language en
dc.publisher BMJ Publishing Group
dc.relation BMJ (Online)
dc.relation BMJ (Online)
dc.subject Cancer Drug Fund
dc.subject National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
dc.subject National Health Service (NHS)
dc.title Reforming the cancer drug fund focus on drugs that might be shown to be cost effective
dc.type Article

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