Adamson, Stephen; Doherty, Noeleen; Viney, C.
In everyday conversation, the term ‘career’ is generally understood to refer to
the sequence of work-related experiences an individual has over the course of
their working lifetime. For many people, a ‘career’ is distinct from a job’,
since it also conjures up images of steady, even logical, progression up
organisational hierarchies. It is not simply about what one does for a living,
but about what an individual has done, does now, and might do in the future; the
notion of career therefore embraces the dimension of time. In the light of
widespread organisational restructuring and economic uncertainty since the late
eighties, many of the taken for granted assumptions which have underpinned
traditional notions of career, and in particular the organisational career, no
longer seem valid. Both individuals and organisations are finding it
increasingly difficult to conceptualise the idea of a logical ( long term)
sequence of work-related experiences; there is no longer a clear and mutual
understanding of what the career means to both individuals and organisations.
This paper argues that both individuals and organisations can meaningfully
redefine the notion of career by reconsidering its broader theoretical unde