Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Strengthening Networks and Building Relationships to Increase the Impact of Global Development Research

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dc.creator Stanley, Alan
dc.creator Zussman, Tracy 2018-02-13T18:38:28Z 2018-02-13T18:38:28Z 2016-11
dc.identifier Stanley, A. and Zussman, T. (2016). Strengthening Networks and Building Relationships to Increase the Impact of Global Development Research. The Impact Initiative, IDS, Brighton
dc.identifier 10.35648/20.500.12413/11781/ii300
dc.description Development research can contribute to improvements in policy and practice, research capacity and evidence-based policymaking processes. Achieving these kinds of impacts is most often a complex, multifaceted, political and contested process that, ultimately, depends on changing the attitudes and behaviours of key actors. Strengthening the linkages between research and policy depends on the development of strong relationships between networks of stakeholders that will be able to directly effect change or influence those who are in a position to do so. This Learning Guide seeks to draw out some of the key lessons on successful approaches to developing and maintaining effective relationships and strong networks for impact.
dc.description ESRC-DFID
dc.language en
dc.publisher Institute of Development Studies and The Impact Initiative
dc.rights The Impact Initiative 2016
dc.subject Development Policy
dc.subject Poverty
dc.title Strengthening Networks and Building Relationships to Increase the Impact of Global Development Research
dc.type Series paper (non-IDS)
dc.coverage Ghana
dc.coverage India
dc.coverage Nepal
dc.coverage Sri Lanka
dc.coverage Tanzania
dc.coverage Bangladesh

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