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Hired Labour Use, Productivity, and Commercialisation: The Case of Rice in Fogera Plain of Ethiopia

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dc.creator Alemu, Dawit
dc.creator Assaye, Abebaw 2022-02-22T15:37:18Z 2022-02-22T15:37:18Z 2022-02-01 2022-05-26T08:53:15Z 2022-05-26T08:53:15Z
dc.identifier Alemu, D. and Asaye, A. (2022) Hired Labour Use, Productivity, and Commercialisation: The Case of Rice in Fogera Plain of Ethiopia. APRA Working Paper 83. Brighton: Future Agricultures Consortium, DOI: 10.19088/APRA.2022.005
dc.identifier 978-1-78118-917-7
dc.identifier Rural Futures
dc.identifier 10.19088/APRA.2022.005
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/198981
dc.description With the expansion of rice production in Ethiopia’s Fogera Plain, the rural labour market, highly characterised by the casual unskilled labour supply, has flourished. This is mainly associated with the nature of rice production, where certain agronomic practices demand a significant investment of time and thus family labour may not be sufficient. This has created an opportunity for rice farmers to hire labour when they need for extra help, and also for unskilled labourers to gain casual employment. This paper explores the characteristics of rural labour markets, trends in hired labour use and the impact of hired labour on smallholder farmers’ rice productivity and commercialisation using data collected from 723 randomly selected smallholder rice farmers in the Fogera Plain.
dc.language en
dc.publisher APRA, Future Agricultures Consortium
dc.rights APRA, Future Agricultures Consortium
dc.subject Agriculture
dc.subject Economic Development
dc.subject Participation
dc.subject Poverty
dc.subject Rural Development
dc.subject Work and Labour
dc.title Hired Labour Use, Productivity, and Commercialisation: The Case of Rice in Fogera Plain of Ethiopia
dc.type Series paper (non-IDS)
dc.coverage Ethiopia

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