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Parallel speciation with gene flow in Antirrhinum

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dc.contributor BBSRC - Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
dc.contributor NERC - Natural Environment Research Council
dc.contributor Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
dc.contributor University of Edinburgh
dc.contributor National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT)
dc.contributor Hudson, Andrew
dc.creator Hudson, Andrew 2022-05-17T11:52:16Z 2023-02-02T05:15:07Z
dc.identifier Hudson, Andrew. (2022). Parallel speciation with gene flow in Antirrhinum, [dataset]. School of Biological Sciences.
dc.description The dataset comprises four files. 1) Alpujarra_Antirrhinum_species_AFLP_genotypes.txt contains amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genotypes of wild populations of five Antirrhinum species (A. barrelieri, A. rupestre, A. hispanicum, A. molle and A. tortuosum) from the Alpujarra region of southeast Spain. 2) Alpujarra_Antirrhinum_species_phenotypes.txt contains phenotype data for the same populations. 3) A.barrelieri_x_A.rupestre_F2_traits_and_genotypes.txt contains restriction-site associated DNA (RAD) genotypes and phenotype data for an F2 population of A. barrelieri x A. rupestre, the F1 parents and species grandparents. 4) Key_to_RAD_indices.txt contains the index sequences needed to assign RADseq reads to individuals. Further details are given in the ReadMe.txt file.
dc.description Please see ReadMe.txt for further details of file structure.
dc.format text/plain
dc.format text/plain
dc.format text/plain
dc.format text/plain
dc.format text/plain
dc.language eng
dc.publisher School of Biological Sciences
dc.rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
dc.subject Antirrhinum
dc.subject snapdragon
dc.subject Alpujarra
dc.subject A. barrelieri
dc.subject A. rupestre
dc.subject AFLP
dc.subject RADseq
dc.subject Biological Sciences::Genetics
dc.title Parallel speciation with gene flow in Antirrhinum
dc.type dataset
dc.coverage ES
dc.coverage SPAIN

Files in this item

Files Size Format View
A-barrelieri_x_ ... 2_traits_and_genotypes.txt 286.8Kb text/plain View/Open
Alpujarra_Antirrhinum_species_AFLP_genotypes.txt 200.1Kb text/plain View/Open
Alpujarra_Antirrhinum_species_phenotypes.txt 22.86Kb text/plain View/Open
Key_to_RAD_indices.txt 5.474Kb text/plain View/Open
ReadMe.txt 3.549Kb text/plain View/Open

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