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dc.creator Kadiu, Silvia 2019-05-14 12:45:31 2020-04-01T10:27:41Z 2020-04-01T10:27:41Z 2019
dc.identifier 1004962
dc.identifier OCN: 1105779610
dc.description In the past decades, translation studies have increasingly focused on the ethical dimension of translational activity, with an emphasis on reflexivity to assert the role of the researcher in highlighting issues of visibility, creativity and ethics. In Reflexive Translation Studies, Silvia Kadiu investigates the viability of theories that seek to empower translation by making visible its transformative dimension; for example, by championing the visibility of the translating subject, the translator’s right to creativity, the supremacy of human translation or an autonomous study of translation. Inspired by Derrida’s deconstructive thinking, Kadiu presents practical ways of challenging theories that argue reflexivity is the only way of developing an ethical translation. She questions the capacity of reflexivity to counteract the power relations at play in translation (between minor and dominant languages, for example) and problematises affirmative claims about (self-)knowledge by using translation itself as a process of critical reflection.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher UCL Press
dc.rights open access
dc.subject translation studies
dc.subject reflexivity
dc.subject Derrida
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::C Language::CF linguistics::CFA Philosophy of language
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::C Language::CF linguistics::CFP Translation & interpretation
dc.title Reflexive Translation Studies
dc.title Reflexive-Translation-Studies.pdf
dc.resourceType book
dc.alternateIdentifier 9781787352510
dc.alternateIdentifier 10.14324/111.9781787352513
dc.licenseCondition n/a
dc.identifierdoi 10.14324/111.9781787352513
dc.relationisPublishedBy df73bf94-b818-494c-a8dd-6775b0573bc2
dc.relationisbn 9781787352510
dc.pages 174
dc.placepublication London

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