Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

L’historiographie tardo-antique et la transmission des savoirs

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dc.contributor Blaudeau, Philippe
dc.contributor Nuffelen, Peter 2021-12-07T16:16:44Z 2021-12-07T16:16:44Z 2015 2022-05-26T10:45:23Z 2022-05-26T10:45:23Z
dc.identifier ONIX_20211207_9783110409239_110
dc.identifier 1862-1139
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/203177
dc.description This volume focuses on the role played by historiography in the selection, processing and transmission of knowledge in Late Antiquity. In particular, the transmission of documents (civil and ecclesiastical, authentic and apocryphal) is studied, the impact of differences in genre, as well as how historical, anthropological, ethnographic, astronomical, and medical notions are reshaped in new cultural traditions.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language fre
dc.language eng
dc.language ger
dc.publisher De Gruyter
dc.relation Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies
dc.rights open access
dc.subject Late Antiquity
dc.subject Historiography
dc.subject Cultural and intellectual history of antiquity
dc.subject History of ancient languages
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HB History::HBA History: theory & methods::HBAH Historiography
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HB History::HBL History: earliest times to present day::HBLA Ancient history: to c 500 CE
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HB History::HBL History: earliest times to present day::HBLC Early history: c 500 to c 1450/1500
dc.title L’historiographie tardo-antique et la transmission des savoirs
dc.title 9783110409239.pdf
dc.resourceType book
dc.alternateIdentifier 9783110409239
dc.alternateIdentifier 9783110406931
dc.alternateIdentifier 9783110409314
dc.alternateIdentifier 10.1515/9783110409239
dc.licenseCondition Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.identifierdoi 10.1515/9783110409239
dc.relationisPublishedBy 2b386f62-fc18-4108-bcf1-ade3ed4cf2f3
dc.relationisbn 9783110409239
dc.relationisbn 9783110406931
dc.relationisbn 9783110409314
dc.pages 380
dc.placepublication Berlin/Boston
dc.abstractotherlanguage This volume focuses on the role played by historiography in the selection, processing and transmission of knowledge in Late Antiquity. In particular, the transmission of documents (civil and ecclesiastical, authentic and apocryphal) is studied, the impact of differences in genre, as well as how historical, anthropological, ethnographic, astronomical, and medical notions are reshaped in new cultural traditions.
dc.seriesnumber 55

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