The data and metadata supplied document the figured and resources used to publish the following paper: "In-situ formation of solidified hydrogen thin-membrane targets using a pulse tube cryocooler" (Sam Astbury et al. 2016)
The paper gives an account of the Central Laser Facility's work in producing a cryogenic hydrogen/deuterium targetry system using a pulse tube cryocooler. The system was fielded in the Central laser Facility (CLF) in Harwell, Oxford UK and used to grow thin-membranes of deuterium which was then shot with a Petawatt-power laser.
The paper outlines the method and system which was built in order to deliver such targets to the laser and the data supplied focusses on the parameters necessary to achieve this, supplied in the "All cryologs (up to 8.10.2014)" as well as phase diagram resources and leak testing data.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council contribution from grant number EP/K022415/1 and in particular to Prof Marco Borghesi for supporting the project.
Funding from Laserlab-Europe from grant number 284464.