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Addressing the Homework Gap through the E-rate Program

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dc.creator Visser, Marijke
dc.creator Bocher, Robert
dc.creator Inouye, Alan 2021-03-04T20:42:38Z 2021-03-04T20:42:38Z 2021-02-16 2022-05-17T08:12:11Z 2022-05-17T08:12:11Z
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/23637
dc.description As a signatory to the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) coalition petition, ALA unreservedly affirms that the Commission has the authority needed to act immediately to address dire connectivity gaps for K-12 students and library patrons. Further, we urge the Commission to remain true to the founding premise of the E-rate in that it is a Universal Service program for both Schools and Libraries. The need to connect students, teachers and consumers to jobs, life-long learning, and information has led to a steady rise in demand for bandwidth and broadband access from schools and libraries. Because of the urgency of this issue, we focus our comments on issues the library community identified as the most pressing to resolve in order to stand-up a program within the E-rate framework. As such, the Commission should: 1. Ensure library applicants are able to provide emergency services to library patrons, including but not limited to K-12 students and teachers. 2. Allow for flexibility for both hardware and implementation of eligible services for locally driven solutions to best meet off-campus connectivity needs of patrons and/or students who lack home access. 3. Balance accountability and oversight with expedient funding distribution. 4. Ensure predictability of funding available for applicants.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en_US
dc.subject Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
dc.subject Homework Gap
dc.subject Digital Divide
dc.subject Digital Equity
dc.subject E-rate
dc.subject Broadband
dc.title Addressing the Homework Gap through the E-rate Program
dc.title Comments of ALA Before the FCC In the Matter of Addressing the Homework Gap through the E-rate Program WC Docket No. 21-31

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