We aimed to assess the repeatability of CVR measurements using 3 T BOLD MRI and a fixed CO2 inspired gas challenge.
Therefore, we recruited healthy volunteers. Each had two CVR scans in two separate within-day MRI sessions.
Between sessions, the participants came out of the scanner and scanner room.
In the first MRI session, we also acquired anatomical brain scans.
The dataset contains data from the 15 healthy volunteers: anatomical images (T1w, T2w), CVR-BOLD images.
End-tidal CO2 and O2 traces acquired during the CVR scans can also be found along with the heart and respiration rates.
# Associated publication #
Sleight et al. "Cerebrovascular reactivity measurements using 3 T BOLD MRI and a fixed inhaled CO2 gas challenge: repeatability and impact of processing strategy" (accepted manuscript) Frontiers in Physiology