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Contactless Interfacial Rheology: Probing Shear at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces without an Interfacial Geometry via Fluorescence Microscopy

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dc.contributor EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
dc.contributor Thijssen, Job H. J.
dc.creator Muntz, Iain
dc.creator Richards, James A
dc.creator Brown, Sam
dc.creator Rey, Marcel
dc.creator Schofield, Andrew B
dc.creator Thijssen, Job H. J. 2022-09-15T15:15:38Z 2023-02-17T20:27:54Z 2023-02-17T20:27:54Z
dc.identifier Muntz, Iain; Richards, James A; Brown, Sam; Rey, Marcel; Schofield, Andrew B; Thijssen, Job H J. (2022). Contactless Interfacial Rheology: Probing Shear at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces without an Interfacial Geometry via Fluorescence Microscopy, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. School of Physics and Astronomy. Institute of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems.
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/242590
dc.description Interfacial rheology is important for understanding properties such as Pickering emulsion or foam stability. Currently, the response is measured using a probe directly attached to the interface. This can both disturb the interface and is coupled to flow in the bulk phase, limiting its sensitivity. We have developed a contactless interfacial method to perform interfacial shear rheology on liquid/liquid interfaces with no tool attached directly to the interface. This is achieved by shearing one of the liquid phases and measuring the interfacial response via confocal microscopy. Using this method we have measured steady shear material parameters such as interfacial elastic moduli for interfaces with solid-like behaviour and interfacial viscosities for fluid-like interfaces. The accuracy of this method has been verified relative to a double-wall ring geometry. Moreover, using our contactless method we are able to measure lower interfacial viscosities than those that have previously been reported using a double-wall ring geometry. A further advantage is the simultaneous combination of macroscopic rheological analysis with microscopic structural analysis. Our analysis directly visualizes how the interfacial response is strongly correlated to the particle surface coverage and their interfacial assembly. Furthermore, we capture the evolution and irreversible changes in the particle assembly that correspond with the rheological response to steady shear. A Jupyter Notebook for image analysis is available here:
dc.description The dataset contains the figures related to the publication
dc.format text/plain
dc.format text/plain
dc.format text/plain
dc.format text/plain
dc.format application/zip
dc.format application/zip
dc.format application/zip
dc.format application/zip
dc.format application/zip
dc.format application/zip
dc.format text/plain
dc.language eng
dc.publisher University of Edinburgh. School of Physics and Astronomy. Institute of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
dc.relation Muntz, I., & Thijssen, J. H. (2020). Interfacial Shear Rheology without an Interfacial Geometry. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.07057.
dc.relation Muntz, I., Richards, J. A., Brown, S., Schofield, A. B., Rey, M., & Thijssen, J. H. J. (Accepted/In press). Contactless Interfacial Rheology: Probing Shear at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces without an Interfacial Geometry via Fluorescence Microscopy. Journal of rheology.
dc.rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
dc.subject Interfacial rheology
dc.subject Colloids
dc.subject Microgels
dc.subject Confocal microscopy
dc.subject Rheo-imaging
dc.subject Physical Sciences::Physics
dc.title Contactless Interfacial Rheology: Probing Shear at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces without an Interfacial Geometry via Fluorescence Microscopy
dc.type dataset

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