This report presents an overview of how
the energy sector might be impacted by climate change and
what options exist for its management. It focuses on energy
sector adaptation, rather than mitigation, which has been a
key focus of the energy sector and is not discussed in this
report. This report draws on available scientific and
peer-reviewed literature in the public domain and takes the
perspective of the developing world to the extent possible.
It starts with a discussion about observed and projected
climate change (out to 2100), exploring trends, extremes,
and 'hotspots'- geographic regions that will see
significant changes or variability for relevant parameters
(for example, temperature, runoff , and sea level rise). It
then discusses what is known about the impacts of these
changes on energy resources, infrastructure, and
transportation systems as well as demand. It discusses what
technologies or services are more vulnerable and identifies
gaps in information or knowledge. The report concludes with
a number of proposed near-term actions to foster dialogue,
to further inform sector practitioners, to disaggregate
climate impacts to regional and local settings, and to
improve the knowledge base. Underpinning all actions is
recognition of the need for a broad and participatory
approach that extends beyond traditional planning horizons
and boundaries.