What is the human cost of the global
economic crisis? How many people will the crisis prevent
from escaping poverty, and how many will remain hungry? How
many more infants will die? Are children being pulled out of
schools, not getting the education they need to become more
productive adults and making it virtually impossible to
reach 100 percent completion in primary education by 2015?
What are the gender dimensions of the impacts? These are
some of the questions as the global economy comes out of the
worst recession since the great depression. The questions do
not have immediate answers, partly because the data to
assess development outcomes are incomplete and collected
infrequently but also because impacts can take several years
to emerge. For example, deteriorating health and nutrition
today could lead to higher mortality rates in subsequent
years. Lower investments will hamper future progress in
sanitation and water supply. Fewer children in school will
lower completion rates in later years. And household incomes
that fall far below the poverty line will delay escapes from
poverty. This report uses indirect evidence to assess the
impact of the crisis on several indicators, including the
number of people who will not escape poverty, the increase
in infant mortality, the number of children who will be
denied education, and the increase in discrimination against
women. Based on that assessment, the report identifies key
policies necessary for the developing countries, donors, and
the international financial institutions (IFIs) to
reestablish progress toward the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).