The European Union (EU) sets the policy
framework for municipal solid waste management that drives
reform initiatives in new EU member states and candidate
countries. The EU policies, implementation targets, and
grant funding establish the enabling environment that
transforms the solid waste management sector in Bulgaria,
Croatia, Poland, and Romania. The EU directives guide member
states towards agreed targets without prescribing in detail
how specific measures should be implemented. Various
directives establish the legal framework for solid waste
management; provide specifics, and an implementation
timetable: these include the waste framework directive, the
landfill directive, and the waste incineration directive.
This study analyzes progress in Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland,
and Romania; and identifies important shortcomings towards
meeting the requirements of the EU acquis communautaire. All
four countries have had access to large amounts of
assistance from EU programs and European financial
institutions, which for the most part remain unspent. The
study identifies strengths and weaknesses in the national
institutional arrangements; scrutinizes sector economics and
financing, including how current incentive mechanisms affect
the medium-to long-term sector financial sustainability; and
finally, extracts lessons learned on how to address key
issues and optimize sector performance.