The study focuses on how agricultural
insurance can complement and enhance agricultural risk
management in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC). The overall
objective of this study is to provide the key elements for a
strategy to increase the penetration of agricultural
insurance in the region. The study is organized into five
chapters, including this introduction. Chapter two provides
an overview of the agricultural sector in LAC, including a
description of the main farming systems and an assessment of
the main perils affecting production. Chapter three
describes the current provision of agricultural insurance,
describing the evolution of agricultural insurance,
providing the current market figures, assessing the
availability of agricultural insurance products, describing
government support to agricultural insurance, and estimating
the current levels of penetration. Chapter four focuses on
the challenges in attempting to increase coverage and
penetration. It assesses the current gaps in the provision
of agricultural insurance, identifies opportunities for
further development, and recommends some future actions that
can be taken. Finally, chapter five presents the conclusions
of the study.