In 2007, an estimated 33.2 million
people in the world were living with HIV, and despite twenty
years of prevention programmes, an estimated 2.5 million new
infections occurred in that year. Underpinning the
shortcoming in the prevention response is the inadequate use
of evidence to inform the response. The result has been
largely ineffective prevention interventions, with
non-optimal use of available resources and the loss of early
opportunities to address the unique factors driving
infection in the populations most at risk within the
country. The overall objective of this study is: 'to
contribute to the ongoing efforts to understand the epidemic
and response in Kenya and thus help the country improve the
scope (doing the right kind of activities), relevance (with
the right populations) and comprehensiveness (reaching all
members of target populations) with HIV prevention
efforts', with an ultimate goal of helping Kenya make
more effective HIV/AIDS-related decisions. The report then
assesses the relevance, comprehensiveness and cost of major
HIV responses in relation to the epidemiological analysis
and policy environment, and draws some conclusions about the
state of the epidemic and about whether the prevention
responses (and the resources allocated to them) are
congruent with the evidence on where resources should best
be directed. This study describes the epidemiology of HIV in
Kenya over time: trends in HIV prevalence and incidence,
magnitude and current phase of the epidemic, the main
transmission pathways for new infections; and the
heterogeneity of the HIV epidemic (by sex, geography, age
group, and risk behaviors).