The purpose of this modes of
transmission (MoT) study is 'to contribute to the
ongoing efforts to understand the epidemic and response in
Lesotho and thus help the country improve the scope (doing
the right kind of activities), relevance (with the right
populations), and comprehensiveness (reaching all members of
target populations) of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
prevention efforts'. The process for the Know Your
Epidemic (KYE) was an in-depth review of available
epidemiological data from Lesotho and the sub-region, and
application of the UNAIDS incidence estimation model. The
aim was to determine the epidemiology of new (incident)
infections. For the Know Your Response (KYR) part, data were
collected on the policy context for prevention and on
implemented prevention activities and programs.
Prevention-specific data from the National AIDS Spending
Assessment (NASA) of 2008 and previous two years were
reviewed. In a final step, the KYE and KYR evidence was
linked to produce an epidemic, response and policy synthesis
with recommendations to improve HIV prevention in Lesotho
through aligning prevention activities with the evidence on
the sources of new infections. The study examined the
hypothesis that multiple longer-term partnerships between
single young people as well as between married or cohabiting
adults are the major driver of HIV transmission, happening
in a context of relaxed social norms regarding multiple
partners and low risk perception. The findings confirmed
this hypothesis -- sexual concurrency is exceptionally high
in Lesotho; multiple sexual relationships before and during
marriage, together with low levels of full male circumcision
are major risk factors in Lesotho's hyper endemic HIV situation.