Using bank level measures of competition
and co-dependence, the authors show a robust positive
relationship between bank competition and systemic
stability. Whereas much of the extant literature has focused
on the relationship between competition and the absolute
level of risk of individual banks, they examine the
correlation in the risk taking behavior of banks, hence
systemic risk. They find that greater competition encourages
banks to take on more diversified risks, making the banking
system less fragile to shocks. Examining the impact of the
institutional and regulatory environment on systemic
stability shows that banking systems are more fragile in
countries with weak supervision and private monitoring, with
generous deposit insurance and greater government ownership
of banks, and public policies that restrict competition.
Furthermore, lack of competition has a greater adverse
effect on systemic stability in countries with low levels of
foreign ownership, weak investor protections, generous
safety nets, and where the authorities provide limited
guidance for bank asset diversification.