Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Supplementary material for "Long Term Impact of Grid Level Energy Storage on Renewable Energy Penetration and Emissions in the Chilean Electric System" by Serguey A. Maximov, Gareth P. Harrison and Daniel Friedrich, Energies, 2019

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Files Size Format View
Chile_4nodes_2020_no_storage.xlsx 2.084Mb application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet View/Open 48.17Kb application/octet-stream View/Open
Projections_data_costs_eur.csv 2.035Kb text/csv View/Open
Projections_data_demand.csv 2.573Mb text/csv View/Open
Projections_data_hidrology.csv 896.5Kb text/csv View/Open
Projections_data_obsolensence.csv 1.322Kb text/csv View/Open
Projections_data_storage.csv 727bytes text/csv View/Open
Projections_data_transmission.csv 227bytes text/csv View/Open 6.771Kb application/octet-stream View/Open
supplementary_materials.txt 1.487Kb text/plain View/Open

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