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Probing the dynamics of crystal nucleation via measurements of emission lifetimes in crystalloluminescence of sodium chloride

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dc.contributor EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
dc.contributor Alexander, Andrew
dc.creator Alexander, Andrew
dc.creator Huld, Frederik 2018-08-22T09:26:56Z 2018-08-22T09:26:56Z 2023-02-17T20:52:44Z 2023-02-17T20:52:44Z
dc.identifier Alexander, Andrew; Huld, Frederik. (2018). Probing the dynamics of crystal nucleation via measurements of emission lifetimes in crystalloluminescence of sodium chloride, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. School of Chemistry.
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/244042
dc.description The data consist of measurements of the time dependence of photoemission events in crystalloluminescence (XTL) of sodium chloride. Aqueous solutions of NaCl were intentionally doped with trace amounts of copper and silver ions, and crystallization was induced by mixing with HCl. The mean lifetime for solutions doped only with copper ions was 39.9 ± 0.8 microseconds, which is close to the ultraviolet photoluminescence lifetime of solid NaCl doped with Cu+. The rise time for emission events indicates that crystal nuclei are formed within 10 ns. The mean lifetime for solutions doped with a mixture of silver and copper ions was 12.7 ± 0.7 microseconds, which suggests that electronic energy transfer takes place between Ag+ and dimer (Ag+)2 species in the crystal lattice. Co-incident radiofrequency and acoustic signals were not detected, indicating that triboluminescence by crystal fracture is not a significant mechanism for XTL.
dc.format text/plain
dc.format application/gzip
dc.format application/gzip
dc.language eng
dc.publisher University of Edinburgh. School of Chemistry
dc.relation Huld, FT & Alexander, AJ 2018, 'Probing the dynamics of crystal nucleation via measurements of emission lifetimes in crystalloluminescence of sodium chloride', JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, vol. 501, pp. 22-26.
dc.rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
dc.subject Nucleation
dc.subject Doping
dc.subject Sodium chloride
dc.subject Phosphors
dc.subject Luminescence
dc.subject Physical Sciences::Chemistry
dc.title Probing the dynamics of crystal nucleation via measurements of emission lifetimes in crystalloluminescence of sodium chloride
dc.type dataset

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README.txt 801bytes text/plain View/Open
XTL_Ag_only.dat.gz 10.18Mb application/gzip View/Open
XTL_Ag-Cu.dat.gz 8.402Mb application/gzip View/Open

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