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Inter- and intra-animal variation in the integrative properties of stellate cells in the medial entorhinal cortex

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dc.contributor BBSRC - Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
dc.contributor Wellcome Trust
dc.contributor Nolan, Matthew
dc.creator Pastoll, Hugh
dc.creator Garden, Derek
dc.creator Nolan, Matthew 2020-02-07T12:58:50Z 2020-02-07T12:58:50Z 2023-02-17T20:54:57Z 2023-02-17T20:54:57Z
dc.identifier Pastoll, Hugh; Garden, Derek; Nolan, Matthew. (2020). Inter- and intra-animal variation in the integrative properties of stellate cells in the medial entorhinal cortex, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. School of Biomedical Sciences. Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences.
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/244299
dc.description The data are whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from neurons in the medial entorhinal cortex of adult mice. The data for each neuron is a series of voltage responses to current steps or ramps injected through the recording electrode.
dc.description There are two .tar.gz archive files. One contains stellate cell data and the other contains calbindin cell data. Each file has a similar folder structure when unzipped. The original data was recorded with Axograph and is in the folder 'multi_data'. The folder structure is '/multidata/slice/cell', where slice and cell are names specific to each experiment / recording. The electrophysiology data here is in .axgd format. To open .axgd files you can either use Axograph (available commerically from or Neuromatic ( which requires IGORpro (available commercially from ( It should also be possible to open the data using the axographio Python package ( but we haven’t tested this. Most 'cell' level folders also contain an image of the slice in .jpg format. The electrophysiology data is also provided in hdf5 format in the folder name 'Database'. These files end in '.h5'. The folders also contain code to build the .h5 files from the .axgd files and then to automatically extract the parameters used for further analyses. This code should be sufficient to replicate the data processing. We plan to separately document and make this code available via our Github site (
dc.format application/gzip
dc.format application/gzip
dc.language eng
dc.publisher University of Edinburgh. College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. School of Biomedical Sciences. Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
dc.relation Nolan et al. (In submission)
dc.rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
dc.subject brain
dc.subject electrophysiology
dc.subject neuron
dc.subject excitability
dc.subject integration
dc.subject patch-clamp
dc.subject cortex
dc.subject Biological Sciences
dc.title Inter- and intra-animal variation in the integrative properties of stellate cells in the medial entorhinal cortex
dc.type dataset
dc.coverage UK
dc.coverage UNITED KINGDOM

Files in this item

Files Size Format View
calbindinintrinsic.tar.gz 643.2Mb application/gzip View/Open
stellateintrinsic.tar.gz 8.655Gb application/gzip View/Open

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