In the past 30 years, China has achieved
phenomenal economic growth, an unprecedented development
"miracle" in human history. How did China achieve
this rapid growth? What have been its key drivers? And, most
important, what can be learned from China's success?
Policy makers, business people, and scholars all over the
world continue to debate these topics, but one thing is
clear: the numerous special economic zones and industrial
clusters that emerged after the country's reforms are
without doubt two important engines of China's
remarkable development. The special economic zones and
industrial clusters have made crucial contributions to
China's economic success. Foremost, the special
economic zones (especially the first several) successfully
tested the market economy and new institutions and became
role models for the rest of the country to follow. Together
with the numerous industrial clusters, the special economic
zones have contributed significantly to gross domestic
product, employment, exports, and attraction of foreign
investment. The special economic zones have also played
important roles in bringing new technologies to China and in
adopting modern management practices. This study briefly
summarizes the development experiences of China's
special economic zones and industrial clusters (their
formation, success factors, challenges, and possible areas
or measures for policy intervention), based on case studies,
interviews, field visits, and extensive reviews of the
existing literature in an attempt to benefit other
developing countries as well as the broader development community.