With the exception of South Africa,
local financial markets in sub-Saharan Africa remain
underdeveloped and small, with a particular dearth of
financing with maturity terms commensurate with the medium-
to long-term horizons of infrastructure projects. But as
financial market reforms gather momentum, there is growing
awareness of the need to tap local and regional sources.
Drawing on a comprehensive new database constructed for the
purpose of this research, the paper assesses the actual and
potential role of local financial systems for 24 African
countries in financing infrastructure. The paper concludes
that further development and more appropriate regulation of
local institutional investors would help them realize their
potential as financing sources, for which they are better
suited than local banks because their liabilities would
better match the longer terms of infrastructure projects.
There are clear signs of positive change: private pension
providers are emerging in Africa, there is a shift from
defined benefit toward defined contribution plans, and
African institutional investors have begun taking a more
diversified portfolio approach in asset allocation. Although
capital markets remain underdeveloped, new issuers in
infrastructure sectors-particularly of corporate bonds-are
coming to market in several countries, in some cases
constituting the debut issue. More than half of the
corporate bonds listed at end-2006 on these countries'
markets were by companies in infrastructure sectors. More
cross-border listings and investment within the region-in
both corporate bonds and equity issues-including by local
institutional investors, could help overcome local capital
markets' impediments and may hold significant promise
for financing cross-country infrastructure projects.