Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Exploring the Visual Landscape - Advances in Physiognomic Landscape Research in the Netherlands

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dc.creator R. van Lammeren (ed.)
dc.creator F. van der Hoeven (ed.)
dc.creator S. Nijhuis (ed.) 2021-02-11T13:18:39Z 2021-02-11T13:18:39Z 2012-11-23 16:28:12 2011 2023-02-17T21:16:43Z 2023-02-17T21:16:43Z
dc.identifier 15218
dc.identifier 18750192 18798217
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/245868
dc.description Exploring the Visual Landscape is about the combination of landscape research and planning, visual perception and Geographic Information Science. It showcases possible ways of getting a grip on themes like: landscape openness, cluttering of the rural landscape, high-rise buildings in relation to cityscape, historic landscapes and motorway panoramas. It offers clues for visual landscape assessment of spaces in cities, parks and rural areas. In that respect, it extends the long tradition in the Netherlands on physiognomic landscape research and shows the state of the art at this moment. Exploring the Visual Landscape offers important clues for theory, methodology and application in research and development of landscapes all over the world, from a specifically Dutch academic context. It provides a wide range of insights into the psychological background of landscape perception, the technical considerations of geomatics and methodology in landscape architecture, urban planning and design. Furthermore, there are some experiences worthwhile considering, which demonstrate how this research can be applied in the practice of landscape policy making.
dc.format image/jpeg
dc.language eng
dc.publisher IOS Press
dc.relation Research in Urbanism Series
dc.rights open access
dc.subject NA9000-9428
dc.subject GF125
dc.subject GA1-1776
dc.subject GIS
dc.subject landscape policy
dc.subject visual landscape
dc.subject Delft University of Technology
dc.subject TU Delft
dc.subject landscape planning
dc.subject design research
dc.subject urban design
dc.subject landscape perception
dc.subject landscape architecture
dc.title Exploring the Visual Landscape - Advances in Physiognomic Landscape Research in the Netherlands
dc.resourceType book
dc.alternateIdentifier 9781607508335
dc.alternateIdentifier 9781607508328
dc.alternateIdentifier 10.3233/978-1-60750-833-5-i
dc.licenseCondition Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
dc.identifierdoi 10.3233/978-1-60750-833-5-i
dc.relationisPublishedBy 4ce64791-39ff-44ba-908b-467a539fea7f
dc.relationisbn 9781607508335
dc.relationisbn 9781607508328
dc.pages 464

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