Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Conservation Genetics for Management of Threatened Plant and Animal Species

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dc.contributor Ottewell, Kym
dc.contributor Byrne, Margaret 2022-07-06T11:52:33Z 2022-07-06T11:52:33Z 2022 2023-02-17T21:21:34Z 2023-02-17T21:21:34Z
dc.identifier ONIX_20220706_9783036544410_89
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/246524
dc.description This book focuses on conservation genetic (and genomic) papers that demonstrate applied outcomes that inform practical threatened species management. We cover a broad range of species and genetic approaches, but focus on how conservation genetic information is used to underpin management actions for species recovery. Through the exposition of a diversity of approaches, we aim to demonstrate to conservation managers and researchers how conservation genetics can inform on-ground species management.
dc.format application/octet-stream
dc.language eng
dc.publisher MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
dc.rights open access
dc.subject small isolated population
dc.subject Mediterranean native trout
dc.subject morphological deformities
dc.subject Camphorosmoideae
dc.subject conservation genetics
dc.subject disjunct distribution
dc.subject population fragmentation
dc.subject population structure
dc.subject single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers
dc.subject genetic diversity
dc.subject population viability analysis
dc.subject allele retention
dc.subject translocation
dc.subject conservation management
dc.subject threatened marsupial
dc.subject remnant
dc.subject conservation
dc.subject natural hybridisation
dc.subject Eucalyptus
dc.subject high throughput sequencing
dc.subject NGS
dc.subject South Australia
dc.subject golden bandicoot
dc.subject southern brown bandicoot
dc.subject quenda
dc.subject phylogenetic
dc.subject taxonomy
dc.subject evolutionarily significant unit
dc.subject ecosystem engineer
dc.subject genetic rescue
dc.subject genetic restoration
dc.subject supplementation
dc.subject disease
dc.subject inbreeding
dc.subject genetic swamping
dc.subject locally unique alleles
dc.subject population genetics
dc.subject marsupial
dc.subject adaptive potential
dc.subject Leadbeater’s possum
dc.subject Gymnobelideus leadbeateri
dc.subject ex situ conservation
dc.subject Psittacidae
dc.subject Ara macao
dc.subject Xcaret
dc.subject captive breeding
dc.subject climate drying
dc.subject cpDNA
dc.subject ecotype
dc.subject Evolutionarily Significant Units
dc.subject gene flow
dc.subject geographic expansion
dc.subject patchy abundance
dc.subject phylogeography
dc.subject n/a
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::G Reference, information & interdisciplinary subjects::GP Research & information: general
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::P Mathematics & science::PS Biology, life sciences
dc.title Conservation Genetics for Management of Threatened Plant and Animal Species
dc.resourceType book
dc.alternateIdentifier 9783036544410
dc.alternateIdentifier 9783036544427
dc.alternateIdentifier 10.3390/books978-3-0365-4442-7
dc.licenseCondition Attribution 4.0 International
dc.identifierdoi 10.3390/books978-3-0365-4442-7
dc.relationisPublishedBy 46cabcaa-dd94-4bfe-87b4-55023c1b36d0
dc.relationisbn 9783036544410
dc.relationisbn 9783036544427
dc.pages 162
dc.placepublication Basel

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