Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Chapter 12 Hölderlin’s Higher Enlightenment

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dc.creator Flodin, Camilla 2021-02-10T13:37:01Z 2021-02-10T13:37:01Z 2020 2023-02-17T21:25:55Z 2023-02-17T21:25:55Z
dc.identifier 48530
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/247086
dc.description "This volume re-examines traditional interpretations of the rise of modern aesthetics in eighteenth-century Britain and Germany. It provides a new account that connects aesthetic experience with morality, science, and political society. In doing so, the book challenges longstanding teleological narratives that emphasize disinterestedness and the separation of aesthetics from moral, cognitive, and political interests. The chapters are divided into three thematic parts. The chapters in Part I demonstrate the heteronomy of eighteenth-century British aesthetics. They chart the evolution of aesthetic concepts and discuss the ethical and political significance of the aesthetic theories of several key figures, namely the third Earl of Shaftesbury, David Hume, and Adam Smith. Part II explores the ways in which eighteenth-century German thinkers examine aesthetic experience and moral concerns and relate to the work of their British counterparts. The chapters here cover the work of Kant, Moses Mendelssohn, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, and Madame de Staël. Finally, Part III explores the interrelation of science, aesthetics, and a new model of society in the work of Goethe, Johann Wilhelm Ritter, Friedrich Hölderlin, and William Hazlitt, among others. This volume develops unique discussions of the rise of aesthetic autonomy in the eighteenth century. In bringing together well-known scholars working on British and German eighteenth-century aesthetics, philosophy, and literature, it will appeal to scholars and advanced students in a range of disciplines who are interested in this topic."
dc.format image/jpeg
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Taylor & Francis
dc.publisher Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British and Germany Aesthetics
dc.publisher Routledge
dc.rights open access
dc.subject Modern Philosophy, Aesthetics, 18th Century Literature, Philosophy of Art & Aesthetics, Philosophy of Literature, History of Philosophy, Literature & Philosophy, German Literature, British Literature
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HP Philosophy::HPC History of Western philosophy::HPCF Western philosophy, from c 1900 -
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HP Philosophy::HPN Philosophy: aesthetics
dc.subject bic Book Industry Communication::D Literature & literary studies::DS Literature: history & criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
dc.title Chapter 12 Hölderlin’s Higher Enlightenment
dc.resourceType chapter
dc.alternateIdentifier 9780367347963
dc.alternateIdentifier 9780367508043
dc.licenseCondition open access
dc.licenseCondition Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.relationisPublishedBy fa69b019-f4ee-4979-8d42-c6b6c476b5f0
dc.relationisbn 9780367347963
dc.relationisbn 9780367508043
dc.pages 20
dc.imprint Routledge
dc.relationisPartOfBook 6cee7849-a34f-4d6c-8b90-76f89ef1a9ef

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