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Spring Cleaning: Rural Water Impacts, Valuation, and Property Rights Institutions

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dc.creator Kremer, Michael
dc.creator Leino, Jessica
dc.creator Miguel, Edward
dc.creator Zwane, Alix Peterson 2012-03-30T07:29:01Z 2012-03-30T07:29:01Z 2011 2023-02-18T19:43:49Z 2023-02-18T19:43:49Z
dc.identifier Quarterly Journal of Economics
dc.identifier 00335533
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/250124
dc.description Using a randomized evaluation in Kenya, we measure health impacts of spring protection, an investment that improves source water quality. We also estimate households' valuation of spring protection and simulate the welfare impacts of alternatives to the current system of common property rights in water, which limits incentives for private investment. Spring infrastructure investments reduce fecal contamination by 66%, but household water quality improves less, due to recontamination. Child diarrhea falls by one quarter. Travel-cost based revealed preference estimates of households' valuations are much smaller than both stated preference valuations and health planners' valuations, and are consistent with models in which the demand for health is highly income elastic. We estimate that private property norms would generate little additional investment while imposing large static costs due to above-marginal-cost pricing, private property would function better at higher income levels or under water scarcity, and alternative institutions could yield Pareto improvements.
dc.language EN
dc.rights World Bank
dc.subject Consumer Economics: Empirical Analysis D120
dc.subject Organizational Behavior
dc.subject Transaction Costs
dc.subject Property Rights D230
dc.subject Health Production I120
dc.subject Economic Development: Agriculture
dc.subject Natural Resources
dc.subject Energy
dc.subject Environment
dc.subject Other Primary Products O130
dc.subject Renewable Resources and Conservation: Water Q250
dc.subject Valuation of Environmental Effects Q510
dc.title Spring Cleaning: Rural Water Impacts, Valuation, and Property Rights Institutions
dc.type Journal Article
dc.type Journal Article
dc.coverage Kenya

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