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GIS 222-01, Geographic Information Systems, Spring 2005

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dc.creator Kesler, David H. 2008-09-05T18:39:19Z 2008-09-05T18:39:19Z 2005-01-12 2023-02-20T15:17:32Z 2023-02-20T15:17:32Z
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/251488
dc.description This syllabus was submitted to the Rhodes College Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructor.
dc.description The main objective of this one-hour course is to show you the multiple uses of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to answer questions from a variety of disciplines. The team-teaching of this course by faculty from seven different departments demonstrates this technology’s diverse utility. Another objective of this course is to give you hands-on experience with ArcGIS, the most widely used GIS application. You will be expected to complete projects (see above) and to generate a GIS project in which you answer a question of your making and present this to the class. Through this activity you will gain a deeper understanding of spatial analysis in answering questions about the world in which you live. We also hope that you will 1.) Gain a greater appreciation for geography and spatial thinking; 2.) Enhance critical thinking and problem solving skills; and 3.) Gain a broader understanding of geographic information systems as a field of inquiry.
dc.format application/msword
dc.language en_US
dc.publisher Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College
dc.rights Rhodes College owns the rights to the archival digital objects in this collection. Objects are made available for educational use only and may not be used for any non-educational or commercial purpose. Approved educational uses include private research and scholarship, teaching, and student projects. For additional information please contact Fees may apply.
dc.subject Interdisciplinary programs
dc.subject Syllabus
dc.subject Curriculum
dc.subject Academic departments
dc.subject Text
dc.subject 2005 Spring
dc.title GIS 222-01, Geographic Information Systems, Spring 2005
dc.type Syllabus

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