This image was photographed and uploaded to DLynx in the Visual Resources Center during spring 2017.
This is a digital photograph of Erin Burman's painting. It was submitted as the second critiqued assignment, "Irony versus Sincerity," on March 1, 2017 in Erin Harmon's Intermediate/Advanced Painting class. All pieces are 36x48 or larger; acrylic on canvas. The artist's statement reads: "As in a storybook, a blurry image materializes from a blank page: dappled light filters through sheer drapery, and soft-edged shapes are simplified into color-blocked forms. We are not immediately sure where we are, and unclear spatial relationships make it difficult to resolve the image. It is as though we have awoken from a deep sleep in an unfamiliar bed; we feel an urge to put on our glasses to see our surroundings more clearly."