Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

An exploratory study of the incorporation of their ‘future-self’ as part of transition preparation in to and out of further education for young people with learning disabilities

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dc.contributor Larkin, Shirley
dc.contributor Maxwell, Tim
dc.creator Parry, Melissa Louise 2016-10-24T07:46:40Z 2016-05-31 2023-02-23T09:58:50Z 2023-02-23T09:58:50Z
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/256609
dc.description This research explored the perception of the incorporation of ‘future-self’ for young people (YP) moving from specialist provision for children where the Local Authority have identified the provision as Moderate Learning Difficulties and additional needs, their parent/carers views, and the perspectives of professionals supporting their transition to mainstream further education. The ‘future-self’ approach had its basis in social cognitive theory, as the creation of imagined ‘future-selves’ is thought to influence an individual’s behaviour to aid them to work towards their aspired self (Baker, 2015; Markus & Nurius, 1986; Oysterman & James, 2011). Phase one used a case study methodology using semi-structured interviews to explore the YP and their parent/carer’s experience of transition planning having included the young person’s vision of their ‘future-self’, at aged 16. Materials were designed to aid their understanding using visual support. Phase two gained the views of YP using focus groups as they approach transition out of FE at aged 19 or older into continued training, employment, and on towards adulthood, in relation to inclusion of their vision of their ‘future-self’ in this preparation. This phase also explored the perceptions of the professionals for incorporating the young person’s view of their ‘future-self’ using semi-structured interviews. Interview transcripts were analysed using Braun and Clarke’s (2006) six stage thematic analysis to identify themes in the data. Focus groups were thematically analysed using Ritchie and Spencer’s (1994) five stage analysis. A number of themes were found for the YP at both stages, the parents/carers and the professionals. Findings indicated that the YP are more involved in the transition planning and a range of methods are applied to prepare the YP however there are a number of barriers still limiting the options for the YP such as: lack of choice available, protectiveness of others, low aspirations, failure to explore holistic longer term outcomes, insufficient multi-agency involvement, overreliance on parents, and the need for more effective strategic planning and awareness of the systems around the YP. The findings from this research indicate that applying a ‘future-selves’ approach for YP as a method to generate future aspirations to motivate YP’s behaviour has been effective as a tool to add to existing transition preparations. This could act as a way to overcome the currently existing poorer long term outcomes for YP with this population. Based upon this small scale project, further investigation would be required to assess the benefit for a wider population.
dc.language en
dc.publisher University of Exeter
dc.publisher College of Social Sciences and International Studies
dc.rights 2017-11-30
dc.rights The project may be written up as a journal article and therefore may require an embargo for publication.
dc.subject Future-Self
dc.subject Future-selves
dc.subject Additional needs
dc.subject Moderate Learning Difficulties
dc.subject Adulthood
dc.subject post-16
dc.subject Education
dc.subject Ideal Self
dc.subject Future Self
dc.subject Further Education
dc.subject Educational Psychology
dc.subject Transition
dc.subject Transition Planning
dc.subject Specialist provision
dc.subject Special School
dc.subject Social emotional mental health
dc.subject Young People
dc.subject Parents
dc.subject Carer
dc.subject Professionals
dc.subject Annual review
dc.subject Perspective
dc.subject self-concept
dc.subject Possible self
dc.subject Possible-self
dc.subject possible selves
dc.subject Learning disabilities
dc.subject Training
dc.subject Employment
dc.subject Case Study
dc.subject Focus Group
dc.subject Semi-Structured Interview
dc.subject Thematic Analysis
dc.subject Funding
dc.subject future selves
dc.subject long-term outcomes
dc.title An exploratory study of the incorporation of their ‘future-self’ as part of transition preparation in to and out of further education for young people with learning disabilities
dc.type Thesis or dissertation
dc.type DEdPsy in Educational, Child and Community Psychology
dc.type Doctoral
dc.type DEdPsy

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