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Early Development and Genetic Engineering in the Lepidopteran model organism Galleria mellonella

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dc.contributor Wakefield, James
dc.contributor Titball, Richard
dc.contributor Prior, Joann
dc.creator Pearce, J 2023-01-16T09:12:09Z 2023-01-16 2023-01-14T16:43:45Z 2023-01-16T09:12:09Z 2023-02-23T12:19:26Z 2023-02-23T12:19:26Z
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/258765
dc.description There is a rapidly growing list of publications validating Galleria mellonella’s use as an in-vivo animal partial replacement model in the fields of infection, immunology, and inflammation. This is because Galleria mellonella larvae exhibit an easily identifiable, but qualitative, biological read-out of such challenges – they produce melanin pigment, turning the larvae from cream-coloured to black. They possess broad susceptibility to microbial pathogens, with pharmacodynamics of drug clearance showing remarkably similar patterns of drug clearance to humans. Moreover, individual larvae can be precisely dosed by injection, their maintenance is straightforward and, in contrast with competing non-mammalian systems, such as zebrafish, C. elegans and Drosophila, they can be reared at 37°C, facilitating research into both normal cellular kinetics of biological processes and host-pathogen interactions. Unlike these other model organisms however, Galleria is not currently genetically tractable and lacks detailed protocols for molecular tools or in depth knowledge about its biology. This thesis project describes work done to develop an embryonic microinjection pipeline and better the understanding of preblastodermal development for this organism. In addition, robust protocols for the insertion of new genetic material via PiggyBac mediated transposition, and gene knock-out via CRISPR/Cas9 mediated mutagenesis are described for the first time in Galleria.
dc.description Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
dc.description Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
dc.description Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
dc.publisher University of Exeter
dc.publisher Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
dc.rights 2024-07-16
dc.rights Time to submit and have papers published relating to work conducted in this thesis, and for my commercial sponsor DSTL to vet the contents for release
dc.subject Galleria mellonella
dc.subject CRISPR
dc.subject PiggyBac
dc.subject Transgenesis
dc.subject Early Development
dc.subject Genetic engineering
dc.title Early Development and Genetic Engineering in the Lepidopteran model organism Galleria mellonella
dc.type Thesis or dissertation
dc.type Doctor of Philiosophy in Biological Sciences
dc.type Doctoral
dc.type Doctoral Thesis

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Supplemental material 1 - detailed protocols.docx 1.380Mb application/octet-stream View/Open
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