Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

A 100 Motor Study: Investigating pre-EPAct Motors as a Subset of the Industrial Motor Population with Regards to the Economics of Motor Repair and Replace Decisions

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dc.contributor Alexander O. Hobbs, Committee Member
dc.contributor James W. Leach, Committee Member
dc.contributor Richard R. Johnson, Committee Chair
dc.creator Kaufman, Nicole Marie 2010-04-02T18:16:35Z 2010-04-02T18:16:35Z 2005-04-05 2023-02-24T08:15:35Z 2023-02-24T08:15:35Z
dc.identifier etd-03302005-142107
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/259294
dc.description In the absence of hard data, the engineering world tends to be overly conservative in estimating benefits of change. The hypothesis herein discussed is that with hard data, the economics of motor repair/replace decisions could change significantly. If true, this could appreciably boost the efficiency of the industrial motor population by affecting the penetration of high-efficiency motors, such as NEMA Premiums. The energy savings from motor replacement depend on the difference between the efficiency of the new motor and the old motor. There has been a great deal of work investigating new motor efficiency and very little work investigating the actual running efficiency of older motors in the field. Motors that have operated for years experiencing failures and repairs may operate below their original nameplate or assumed efficiency. This study is a preliminary investigation of the efficiency of motors in industrial settings with the purpose of updating currently available motor analysis software tools to reflect more accurately the economic benefits of utilizing high-efficiency industrial induction motors.
dc.rights I hereby certify that, if appropriate, I have obtained and attached hereto a written permission statement from the owner(s) of each third party copyrighted matter to be included in my thesis, dissertation, or project report, allowing distribution as specified below. I certify that the version I submitted is the same as that approved by my advisory committee. I hereby grant to NC State University or its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible, under the conditions specified below, my thesis, dissertation, or project report in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. I retain all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis, dissertation or project report. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis, dissertation, or project report.
dc.subject survey
dc.subject efficiency
dc.subject MotorMaster
dc.subject MotorMaster+
dc.subject economics
dc.subject motors
dc.subject induction
dc.subject industrial
dc.title A 100 Motor Study: Investigating pre-EPAct Motors as a Subset of the Industrial Motor Population with Regards to the Economics of Motor Repair and Replace Decisions

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