Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Alternatives to the Americium-Beryllium Neutron Source for the Compensated Neutron Porosity Log

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dc.contributor Robin Gardner, Committee Chair
dc.contributor Roger Woodard, Committee Member
dc.contributor Medhat Mickael, Committee Member
dc.creator Peeples, Cody Ryan 2010-04-02T18:08:53Z 2010-04-02T18:08:53Z 2007-12-07 2023-02-24T12:47:47Z 2023-02-24T12:47:47Z
dc.identifier etd-11082007-174605
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/259756
dc.description Monte Carlo simulations of neutron porosity logs were performed to examine the possibility of replacing the standard Americium-Beryllium neutron source. The candidate replacement sources were the Californium-252 radioisotope and the Deuterium-Tritium fusion reaction based particle accelerator neutron source. It was found that the differences in the energy spectra of neutrons emitted by the sources made an impact on the observed response. Both candidates were found to have potential as sources for the log.
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dc.subject Monte Carlo
dc.subject Well Logging
dc.subject Neutron Transport
dc.title Alternatives to the Americium-Beryllium Neutron Source for the Compensated Neutron Porosity Log

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