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dc.creator Halfmann, Mark
dc.creator Freeman, Shelby
dc.creator Gravell, Jake
dc.creator Cox, Natile
dc.creator Bolhari, Azadeh 2018-05-04T15:20:14Z 2018-05-04T15:20:14Z 2018-04-20 2022-05-18T10:39:56Z 2022-05-18T10:39:56Z
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/26071
dc.description In response to the historic flooding issue on Avenue P, in San Angelo, this proposal examines the problems leading to the flooding as well as possible solutions. Since Angelo State University (ASU) contributes to approximately 47% of the floodwater, this research is aimed to manage the water on our campus in a way that its arrival at Avenue P be delayed. Engineering solutions to be considered for our campus will be rainwater harvesting collection tanks on campus dorms.
dc.description Angelo State University
dc.format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
dc.language en_US
dc.subject Stormwater, Angelo State University, Water Harvesting, Avenue P, Floodwater
dc.title Stormwater Reduction on Campus
dc.type Presentation

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