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Dysfunctional Social Capital in Post-Communist States: Analyzing Correlates of Perceived Corruption in the Romanian Civil Service

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dc.contributor James E. Swiss, Committee Member
dc.contributor G. David Garson, Committee Chair
dc.contributor Michael L. Vasu, Committee Member
dc.contributor James H. Svara, Committee Member
dc.contributor Michael J. Struett, Committee Member
dc.creator Toma, Roxana Malina 2010-04-02T19:17:02Z 2010-04-02T19:17:02Z 2009-04-21 2023-02-28T17:07:24Z 2023-02-28T17:07:24Z
dc.identifier etd-12082008-125300
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/265533
dc.description This study investigates perceptions of corruption in the Romanian civil service and the factors that facilitate these perceptions. While most of the literature treats administrative corruption as a principal-agent problem between the state and government employees, this study employs social capital theory to investigate the roots of corruption within dysfunctional social capital. Moreover, most empirical research on corruption undertakes cross-country analysis to explain variance in perceived corruption ratings based on economic, political, and social indicators. However, the conditions underlying such indicators are difficult to change. This research is a survey-oriented analysis which attempts to identify specific causes and correlates of corruption in attitudes, behaviors and administrative institutions - all more possible to change than broad social conditions. This study uses a total of three data sets documenting perceptions of ethics and corruption in the civil service and covers more than 1,200 experts, elected officials and civil servants. The quantitative analysis employs logistic regression and path analysis with structural equation modeling in order to detect the primary correlates of elected officials’ and civil servants’ perceptions of corruption. Contrary to literature stereotypes about civil service pay in transition countries, this study suggests that remuneration is not a major factor in ethical behavior, but that other human resource reforms, including merit-based employment practices and worker empowerment would likely raise the quality and integrity of civil servants. Moreover, elected officials’ data suggest that decentralizing civil service management is likely to foster leadership on many of these issues. Finally, findings indicate that people’s perceptions of corruption are influenced by what is considered widespread and approved behavior in the society. Therefore, anyone wishing to diminish corruption should particularly attempt to shape civic attitudes, using education, television campaigns and other approaches to help citizens see that honesty is more widespread than they might believe. This also suggests that the government needs to aggressively publicize its anticorruption efforts, because this will lead to a greater reservoir of positive social capital.
dc.rights I hereby certify that, if appropriate, I have obtained and attached hereto a written permission statement from the owner(s) of each third party copyrighted matter to be included in my thesis, dis sertation, or project report, allowing distribution as specified below. I certify that the version I submitted is the same as that approved by my advisory committee. I hereby grant to NC State University or its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible, under the conditions specified below, my thesis, dissertation, or project report in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. I retain all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis, dissertation or project report. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis, dissertation, or project report.
dc.subject corruption in government
dc.subject civil service
dc.subject social capital
dc.subject Eastern Europe
dc.subject surveys
dc.subject political culture
dc.subject former Communist states
dc.title Dysfunctional Social Capital in Post-Communist States: Analyzing Correlates of Perceived Corruption in the Romanian Civil Service

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