Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Multilevel Model of Racial Disparity in Traffic Enforcement

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dc.contributor Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Committee Co-Chair
dc.contributor Patricia L. McCall, Committee Member
dc.contributor William R. Smith, Committee Member
dc.contributor Matthew T. Zingraff, Committee Co-Chair
dc.creator Mason, Helen Marcinda 2010-04-02T19:17:09Z 2010-04-02T19:17:09Z 2003-11-14 2023-02-28T17:07:36Z 2023-02-28T17:07:36Z
dc.identifier etd-11072002-170144
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/265557
dc.description Individual officer characteristics, attributes of the organization, and the racial threat thesis are all explored as possible contributors to the racial distribution of citations. Using Hierarchal Linear Modeling (HLM), the findings of the analyses suggest that less experienced officers and those officers working in patrol districts where members are more highly trained issue more African American citations than more experienced officers and officers working in patrol districts where members are less trained. The findings also indicate that the effect of length of service on the outcome measure varies by the officer's race. The racial threat analyses suggest that there is racial disparity in the issuance of citations and that the extent of the disparity steadily increases as the representation of African Americans in the driving population increases. The implications of this dissertation's findings for future research on the racial distribution of traffic enforcement outcomes are discussed.
dc.rights I hereby certify that, if appropriate, I have obtained and attached hereto a written permission statement from the owner(s) of each third party copyrighted matter to be included in my thesis, dissertation, or project report, allowing distribution as specified below. I certify that the version I submitted is the same as that approved by my advisory committee. I hereby grant to NC State University or its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible, under the conditions specified below, my thesis, dissertation, or project report in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. I retain all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis, dissertation or project report. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis, dissertation, or project report.
dc.subject racial profiling
dc.subject traffic enforcement
dc.subject policing
dc.subject state law enforcement
dc.subject DWB
dc.subject driving while black
dc.title Multilevel Model of Racial Disparity in Traffic Enforcement

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