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Prison Leadership: The Relationship Between Warden Leadership Style and Correctional Officer Job Satisfaction

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dc.contributor School of Leadership
dc.contributor Robertson, Lori
dc.contributor Powell, Brent
dc.contributor Lowes, Nicole
dc.creator Schofield, Derrick D. 2018-08-06T16:30:43Z 2018-08-06T16:30:43Z 2018-02-23 2023-03-03T18:51:10Z 2023-03-03T18:51:10Z
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/282013
dc.description The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Tennessee wardens’ leadership practices and correctional officer job satisfaction. Utilizing the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), the relationship between correctional officers’ perception of the warden’s leadership practices and the LPI norms were examined. Additionally, utilizing the LPI, the relationship between self-ratings of the warden’s leadership practices and the observer rating of the LPI were assessed. Lastly, utilizing the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) and observer LPI, correlations were examined between the correctional officers’ job satisfaction and their perception of the warden’s leadership practices. Findings of this study showed lower correctional officers ratings of the wardens on the five LPI subscales than the inventory’s norms. In a comparison of the LPI wardens’ self-perception and the correctional officers’ observer perception, correctional officers rated the wardens lower than the wardens rated themselves. The overall ratings of the correctional officer Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS)were neutral. However, of the nine JSS subscales, the results identified the nature of their work and supervision as the most positive. Pay, contingent reward, and promotional opportunities were rated as the primary reasons for job dissatisfaction. Additional findings indicated a positive relationship between job satisfaction and each of the five subscales of the LPI.
dc.description Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership
dc.format ETD
dc.format application/pdf
dc.publisher Piedmont International University
dc.rights Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
dc.subject Prisons
dc.subject Staff Retention
dc.subject Leadership
dc.subject Leadership Practices Inventory
dc.subject Job Satisfaction Survey
dc.subject Correctional Officers
dc.subject Wardens
dc.subject Turnover
dc.subject Corrections
dc.title Prison Leadership: The Relationship Between Warden Leadership Style and Correctional Officer Job Satisfaction
dc.type Dissertation

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