Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

A cognitive poetic exploration of Elena Poniatowska’s La noche de Tlatelolco.

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dc.contributor McNair, Alexander J.
dc.creator Boyd, Megan Michelle, 1996- 2021-07-14T14:09:23Z 2021-07-14T14:09:23Z 2021-05 2021-05-04 May 2021 2021-07-14T14:09:24Z 2022-05-18T12:05:09Z 2022-05-18T12:05:09Z
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/28500
dc.description This study of Elena Poniatowska’s La noche de Tlateloco is based on a cognitive poetic approach to explore readers’ perceptions of the work. It affirms both the historical veracity and literary ingenuity of the text by highlighting literary elements and asserting that they strengthen rather than weaken readers’ historical understanding of the censured collective trauma. This study applies theories of readers’ literary perceptions to investigate the work as a sensorially immersive experience. It analyzes the emotional atmospheres in “Ganar la calle” and “La noche de Tlatelolco” by highlighting cognitive qualities of emotions within the text. It then postulates that the creative presentation of La noche draws readers’ attention to historical silences and immerses them into parts of the past often overlooked by conventional historiography.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.rights Worldwide access
dc.subject Cognitive poetics. La noche de Tlatelolco. Emotional atmosphere.
dc.title A cognitive poetic exploration of Elena Poniatowska’s La noche de Tlatelolco.
dc.type Thesis
dc.type text

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