Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Coalition Statement on the House Labor HHS Education Subcommittee's Action on Education Funding

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dc.creator Action for Healthy Kids
dc.creator Afterschool Alliance
dc.creator Alliance for Excellence Education
dc.creator American Academy of Pediatrics
dc.creator American Association of School Librarians
dc.creator American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
dc.creator American Councils for International Education
dc.creator American Counseling Association
dc.creator American Dance Therapy Association
dc.creator American Heart Association
dc.creator American Library Association
dc.creator American Music Therapy Association
dc.creator American Occupational Therapy Association
dc.creator American Psychological Association
dc.creator American School Counselor Association
dc.creator American School Health Association
dc.creator American Translators Association
dc.creator Americans for the Arts
dc.creator ASCD
dc.creator Association for Computer Professionals/Northwest
dc.creator Association of School Business Officials International
dc.creator Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools
dc.creator Coalition for Community Schools
dc.creator Consortium for School Networking
dc.creator College Board
dc.creator Committee for Children
dc.creator Communities in Schools
dc.creator Council for Economic Education
dc.creator Council for Exceptional Children
dc.creator Education Through Music
dc.creator Essilor Vision Foundation
dc.creator Futures Without Violence
dc.creator Girls Inc.
dc.creator Girl Scouts of the USA
dc.creator Health Corps
dc.creator Healthy Schools Campaign
dc.creator Institute for Education Leadership
dc.creator International Society for Technology in Education
dc.creator Jazz at Lincoln Center
dc.creator Jobs for the Future
dc.creator The Joyful Child Foundation
dc.creator League of American Orchestras
dc.creator Lions Clubs International
dc.creator MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership
dc.creator Museum of Science, Boston
dc.creator NAMM Foundation
dc.creator National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships
dc.creator National Association for College Admission Counseling
dc.creator National Association for Music Education
dc.creator National Association of Elementary School Principals
dc.creator National Association of Secondary School Principals
dc.creator National Association of School Psychologists
dc.creator National Association of Social Workers
dc.creator National Association of State Boards of Education
dc.creator National Association of State Directors of Special Education
dc.creator National Center for Technological Literacy
dc.creator National Coalition for History
dc.creator National Council for the Social Studies
dc.creator National Council of State Supervisors for Languages
dc.creator National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
dc.creator National PTA
dc.creator National Science Teachers Association
dc.creator National Superintendents Roundtable
dc.creator Organization of American Kodály Educators
dc.creator Partnership for 21st Century Learning
dc.creator Percussive Arts Society
dc.creator Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America
dc.creator Safe Routes to School National Partnership
dc.creator School Social Work Association of America
dc.creator Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.
dc.creator SHAPE America
dc.creator Society of Women Engineers
dc.creator Southern Conference on Language Teaching
dc.creator Southwest Conference on Language Teaching
dc.creator State Education Technology Directors Association
dc.creator STEM Education Coalition
dc.creator US Soccer Foundation
dc.creator VH1 Save the Music Foundation
dc.creator Wica Agli 2016-08-10T18:28:31Z 2016-08-10T18:28:31Z 7/7/2016 2022-05-17T05:03:46Z 2022-05-17T05:03:46Z
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/4434
dc.description Statement from more than 75 national organizations comprising the Title IV, Part A Coalition on the House Labor HHS Education Appropriations Subcommittee's decision to provide $1 billion in FY17 to the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants Program (SSAEG)
dc.description Statement from more than 75 national organizations comprising the Title IV, Part A Coalition
dc.format application/pdf
dc.title Coalition Statement on the House Labor HHS Education Subcommittee's Action on Education Funding
dc.type Other

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