Sangam: A Confluence of Knowledge Streams

Coalition Letter to House and Senate Subcommittees on LHHS Appropriations in Support of Impact Aid

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dc.creator The School Superintendents Association
dc.creator Air Force Sergeants Association
dc.creator Air Force Women Officers Associated
dc.creator American Association of Classified School Employees
dc.creator American Counseling Association
dc.creator American Farm Bureau Federation
dc.creator American Federation of School Administrators
dc.creator American Federation of Teachers
dc.creator American Library Association
dc.creator American School Counselor Association
dc.creator American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
dc.creator Arizona State Impact Aid Association
dc.creator Association for Career and Technical Education
dc.creator Association of Educational Service Agencies
dc.creator Association of School Business Officials International
dc.creator Association of the United States Army
dc.creator Association of the United States Navy
dc.creator California Association of Federally Impacted Schools
dc.creator California School Employees Association
dc.creator Chief Warrant and Warrant Officers Association, USCG
dc.creator Commissioned Officers Association of the U.S. Public Health Service
dc.creator Council of the Great City Schools
dc.creator Easter Seals
dc.creator FED ED
dc.creator Federal Lands Impacted Schools Association
dc.creator First Focus Campaign for Children
dc.creator Fleet Reserve Association
dc.creator Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
dc.creator Impact Schools of South Dakota
dc.creator Indian Impact Schools of Montana (IISM)
dc.creator Jewish War Veterans of the USA
dc.creator Learning Disabilities Association of America
dc.creator Literate Nation
dc.creator Magnet Schools of America
dc.creator Marine Corps Reserve Association
dc.creator Mid-to-Low LOT Association
dc.creator Military Chaplains Association
dc.creator Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)
dc.creator Military Impacted Schools Association
dc.creator Military Officers Association of America
dc.creator Military Order of the Purple Heart
dc.creator National Association for Music Education
dc.creator National Association of Counties
dc.creator National Association of Elementary School Principals
dc.creator National Association of Federally Impacted Schools
dc.creator National Association of School Psychologists
dc.creator National Association of Secondary School Principals
dc.creator National Association of State Directors of Special Education
dc.creator National Congress of American Indians
dc.creator National Council for Impacted Schools (NCIS)
dc.creator National Education Association
dc.creator National Guard Association of the United States
dc.creator National Indian Education Association
dc.creator National Indian Impacted Schools Association
dc.creator National Military Family Association
dc.creator National PTA
dc.creator National Rural Education Advocacy Coalition
dc.creator National Rural Education Association National School Boards Association
dc.creator National Superintendents Roundtable
dc.creator National Title I Association
dc.creator Naval Enlisted Reserve Association
dc.creator Oklahoma Association Serving Impacted Schools
dc.creator Organizations Concerned about Rural Education
dc.creator Rebuild America’s Schools
dc.creator Rural School and Community Trust
dc.creator School Social Work Association of America
dc.creator Texas Association of Federally Impacted Schools
dc.creator U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officers Association
dc.creator United States Army Warrant Officers Association
dc.creator Washington State Impact Aid Association 2016-02-08T19:38:42Z 2016-02-08T19:38:42Z 3/23/2015 2022-05-17T05:09:20Z 2022-05-17T05:09:20Z
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/CUHPOERS/5236
dc.description Letter submitted by various organizations to Chairman Roy Blunt and Tom Cole, and Ranking Member Patty Murray and Rosa DeLauro urging the rejection of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2016 budget proposal to eliminate funding for Impact Aid Federal Properties.
dc.description Letter submitted by various organizations to Chairman Roy Blunt and Tom Cole, and Ranking Member Patty Murray and Rosa DeLauro.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en_US
dc.title Coalition Letter to House and Senate Subcommittees on LHHS Appropriations in Support of Impact Aid
dc.type Other

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